Month: February 2012

  • How to run .vbs script using command prompt.

    cscript //NOLOGO //B myscript.vbs

  • How to use msiexec to install .msi application?

    Windows ® Installer. V 3.01.4001.5512 msiexec /Option [Optional Parameter] Install Options Installs or configures a product /a Administrative install – Installs a product on the network /j [/t ] [/g ] Advertises a product – m to all users, u to current user Uninstalls the product Display Options /quiet Quiet mode, no user interaction /passive…

  • How to add user to a “User” localgroup in Windows 7.

    @echo off rem —————————————————————————— rem adding ‘webserverpage’ account and adding to the Users group rem —————————————————————————— rem — Displaying Batch Filename — echo “Now executing %~f0 … ” echo. echo. echo. rem ——————————— net user webserverpage password /add /y net user webserverpage password /ACTIVE:YES /EXPIRES:NEVER /PASSWORDCHG:NO /PASSWORDREQ:YES net localgroup users webserverpage /add /y rem —…