Category: Plesk 11

  • How to fix Nginx error “Too many open files”

    nginx: [emerg] open() “/var/www/vhosts/” failed (24: Too many open files) nginx: configuration file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf test failed Please resolve the errors in web server configuration templates and generate the file again. # echo ‘ULIMIT=”-n 4096″‘ >> /etc/sysconfig/nginx # cp /etc/init.d/nginx /root/nginx.backup # wget # patch /etc/init.d/nginx nginx.redhat-centos.patch # egrep “root|psaadm” /etc/security/limits.conf root hard nofile 4096…

  • Login to Plesk MySQL

    mysql -u admin -p`cat /etc/psa/.psa.shadow`

  • How to retrieve Plesk admin password on Windows

    APPLIES TO: Parallels Plesk Panel 11.x for Windows Parallels Plesk Panel 10.x for Windows Parallels Plesk Panel 9.x for Windows Parallels Plesk Panel 8.x for Windows You can set up a new password by running the following command: “%plesk_bin%plesksrvclient” -set true You can also retrieve the current password by running this utility with: “%plesk_bin%plesksrvclient” -get…

  • Create Email address in Plesk 11 via terminal

    /usr/local/psa/bin/mail –create -passwd ‘mypassword’ -mailbox true or /usr/local/psa/bin/mail -c -mailbox true -passwd_type plain -passwd ‘mypassword’ -status enabled

  • How to retrieve the Plesk 11 admin password

    /usr/local/psa/bin/admin –show-password