How to measure or calculate maximum memory usage of Apache

For Debian:

ps -ylC apache2 | awk '{x += $8;y += 1} END {print "Apache Memory Usage (MB): "x/1024; print "Average Proccess Size (MB): "x/((y-1)*1024)}

For Centos/RedHat:

ps -ylC httpd | awk '{x += $8;y += 1} END {print "Apache Memory Usage (MB): "x/1024; print "Average Proccess Size (MB): "x/((y-1)*1024)}'

The output should be like this.

webserverpage:/etc/init.d# ps -ylC httpd | awk ‘{x += $8;y += 1} END {print “Apache Memory Usage (MB): “x/1024; print “Average Proccess Size (MB): “x/((y-1)*1024)}’
Apache Memory Usage (MB): 223.484
Average Proccess Size (MB): 22.3484

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