How to increase disk quota of your virtual server using OpenVZ.

Below are the steps on how to increase disk quota of a virtual server running on openvz.

1. Check the disk status of your disk quota.

[root@openvz ~]# vzquota stat 101

[root@openvz ~]# vzquota stat 101
resource          usage       softlimit      hardlimit    grace
1k-blocks         631508         2097152        2306867
inodes          29386          200000         220000
2. In this example, I will increase the disk quota twice as the current size. Take note of the soft limit and hard limit.

[root@openvz ~]# vzctl set 101 –diskspace $(( 2097152*2 )):$(( 2306867*2 )) –save
CT configuration saved to /etc/vz/conf/101.conf

3. Restart the vz service to take effect the changes.

[root@openvz ~]# /etc/init.d/vz restart
Suspending CT 101
Bringing down interface venet0: [ OK ]
Stopping OpenVZ: [ OK ]
Starting OpenVZ: [ OK ]
Bringing up interface venet0: [ OK ]
Starting CT 101: [ OK ]

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