Nagios Installation

1) Install Required Dependencies

#yum install -y httpd php gcc glibc glibc-common gd gd-devel make net-snmp

2) Create Nagios User and Group

#useradd nagios
#groupadd nagcmd

3) Next, add both the nagios user and the apache user to the nagcmd group.

#usermod -G nagcmd Nagios
#usermod -G nagcmd apache

4) Create Nagios directory.

#mkdir /root/nagios
#cd /root/nagios

5) Download the latest Nagios and Plugin.


6) Extract Nagios Core and its Plugins.

#tar -xvf nagios-4.0.1.tar.gz
#tar –xvf nagios-plugins-1.5.tar.gz

7) Configure Nagios

#cd nagios-4.0.1
#./configure –with-command-group=nagcmd

8) Compile and Install.

#make all
#make install
#make install-init
#make install-commandmode
#make install-config

9) Edit and add your email address in contacts.cfg.

#vi /usr/local/nagios/etc/objects/contacts.cfg

define contact{
contact_name                   nagiosadmin             ; Short name of user
use                            generic-contact         ; Inherit default values from generic-contact template     (defined above)
alias                           Nagios Admin           ; Full name of user
email                        ; <<***** CHANGE THIS TO YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS ******

10) Compile/install web configuration of Nagios.

#make install-webconf
#htpasswd -s -c /usr/local/nagios/etc/htpasswd.users nagiosadmin
New password: mypassword
Re-type new password: mypassword
Adding password for user nagiosadmin.

#service httpd start
#cd /root/Nagios
#cd nagios-plugins-1.5
#./configure –with-nagios-user=nagios –with-nagios-group=Nagios
#make install
#/usr/local/nagios/bin/nagios -v /usr/local/nagios/etc/nagios.cfg
# chkconfig –add nagios
# chkconfig –level 35 nagios on
# chkconfig –add httpd
# chkconfig –level 35 httpd on
# service nagios start


NRPE Installation and Configuration on the client machine